Thursday, January 20, 2022

Kubernetes Troubleshooting

Kubernetes Troubleshooting

View Console logs of a Container (stdout)

kubectl logs pod flaskpod-6db57ff68b-ckklj

Tail Console Logs of a Container

kubectl logs --follow flaskpod-557d6745c7-qkd5v

View recent logs (events) of a container

Kubectl describe po/nginx-7f4558cf8-6jjg2

Kubectl describe pod pod-name

Shows at the bottom the recent events


Kubectl logs myPod -previous

Execute a command within a container

kubectl exec -it pod/mysql-7d8f78bf86-clcg5 /bin/bash

Tip: sometimes not all bash commands are available within a container, but can sometimes be very useful - e.g. if it is a MySql container you can run mysql -ppassword to run SQL commands (where password = password).

Launch busybox in a Namespace

Yaml for busybox: 

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: busybox
namespace: default
- image: busybox
- sleep
- "3600"
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: busybox
restartPolicy: Always

kubectl apply -f jumpod.yml

pod/busybox created

kubectl exec -it busybox /bin/sh

View detailed deployment info

Kubectl get deploy -o wide

View the rollout history of a deployment

Kubectl rollout history deployment blah 

Get pods in all Namespaces

Kubectl get pod -A

Is get in all namespaces

Apply a deployment file

Kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml 

Create a namespace

kubectl create namespace monitoring

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